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George Davey Smith – Director of the MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit and Professor of Clinical Epidemiology at Bristol Medical School, United Kingdom
George Davey Smith has focused on improving causal inference in studies of disease aetiology and prevention. His groundbreaking work includes the early use of ‘negative controls,’ cross-context comparisons, sensitivity analyses, unobtrusive data collection, and trials in challenging situations. He pioneered the use of germline genetic variants to investigate modifiable causes of disease (Mendelian randomization), expanded the method in several ways, and has applied it across many settings. He is also a strong advocate for using multiple methods (triangulation) to enhance causal inference.
Everyone is invited to join us for drinks and epidemiological networking
after the seminar.
Participation is free and open to everyone. The seminar is arranged by the Section of Epidemiology and the Graduate Program in Public Health and Epidemiology.
CVR. 2909 3970
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Tlf.: +45 7060 5845