
Stillingsopslag, som kan være relevante for en eller flere grupper af selskabets medlemmer, optages gratis på hjemmesiden. Materiale fremsendes som link til eget opslag.

Stillingsopslag, hvor der er under 14 dage til ansøgningsfristen, vil kun undtagelsesvis blive bragt.

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The Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health, Aarhus University invites applications for one or more positions as professor in research fields of relevance for the Department of Public Health including research related to the four strategic research areas: Applied Public HealthClinical Public HealthDisease Ethology and Research Methodology and Sport Science. The positions are permanent full-time. Employment is planned to start on 1 August 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.  

As a Professor at the Department of Public Health, you will be part of an ambitious and internationally recognised department, where we collaborate to advance public health through research focused on the promotion of health and the prevention, treatment and alleviation of disease. We engage in broad collaborations internally and externally, sharing our knowledge with citizens, decision-makers, public and private sector businesses, and other researchers nationally and internationally.

Ansøgningsfrist: 27. januar 2025

Tiltrædelse: 1. august 2025

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